Bijan Souri

Production designer + Art Director + Creative Director

Not tethered to a single medium, Bijan’s relationship with the outcomes of his work can be defined by an organic openness of their intermingling during the process of construction. Each work offers a unique and investigative timeline of the incremental application of materials, and as a bi-product of this layering, observing complex relationships that are formed in their co-existing. He strives to explore relationships of materials in nature, while remaining true to his personal experiences and history.

Raised in a half Iranian, half Danish home, Bijan’s constructionist approach is a reflection of his family’s mixed heritage, yet is completely free of the rigidity that traditional design practices occasionally impose. As a full time production designer and creative, by nature he is drawn to exploring the same materials he has frequented so often, but rather pushed them to unsupervised extremes in a space that is freed of a consumerist eye and mass-produced function.


Brit Phatal


Byron Spencer